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Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular and versatile cosmetic dental options available today! Crafted from extremely thin shells of durable dental ceramic, porcelain veneers are comfortably adhered to the fronts of the teeth, mask a variety of aesthetic flaws from view. In just a few simple appointments you can achieve a dazzling, beautiful smile that will change your life!

Porcelain veneers can address a wide array of cosmetic issues, both minor and severe including:

• Dulled, yellowed, or stained teeth
• Chipped or cracked teeth
• Gapped or spaced teeth
• Misshapen teeth
• Crooked or misaligned teeth

With porcelain veneers, there’s no need for uncomfortable orthodontics, whitening, or invasive surgery! Veneers will even provide strength to teeth that have older fillings or decay.

The porcelain veneers procedure is safe, effective, and simple! During your first appointment we will remove a small amount of tooth structure, usually about half a millimeter. This part of the procedure can be performed without anesthesia, and will allow us to place the veneer properly. We will take a mold of the tooth and send it to our dental laboratory where your custom


porcelain veneer will be made.

Together you and Dr. Soojin Taylor will choose the shape, size, and color of your veneer to ensure it matches your smile for a seamless, natural look. We will give you a temporary veneer to wear while your personal veneer is being crafted. As soon as we receive your custom veneer from the lab, you will return to our office so we can remove the temporary veneer and place the new one! After checking for a final fit, we will bond the veneer to the front of your tooth and seal it with a laser light. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to go with an amazing, one-of-a-kind smile you’ll want to share!

Porcelain veneers can last for over ten years with proper care. Basic oral hygiene and routine visits to our practice will keep your veneers strong and beautiful.

If you’re ready to transform your smile, contact Dr. Soojin Taylor today and schedule your porcelain veneers consultation! You’ll be amazed by the results.